an exhibition in 120 minutesParallel Screens is a group exhibition that presents moving images in a single duration scheme where the works are screened one after the other for the duration of the exhibition: 120 minutes. The screening occurs through a two video, one audio channel circuit whilst two parallel screens are positioned opposite each other.
F.O.L.D_CLUSTER::#PRE, AUDIO MOTION INSTALLATION / Location : Weimar 2019 © NOVA art space
/ Curated : Brunno Silva
/ Photograph : Jannis Uffrech
Carla Chaim, Luis Urculo, Tina Wilke, Meredith Sward, Pablo-Martín Córdoba, Jessica Findley, Mercedes Lozano, Allison Beda, Randi Renate, Liss LaFleur, Justin McHugh, Chong Yan Chuah, Simon Isaac, Johanna Keimeyer, Mari Nagem, Nick Lesley, Flavia D’Urso, Lissa Corona, Capt. James, Zoya Sardashti, Alexander Isaenko, Allison Beaudry, Jonas Brinker, Esben Holk